For some institutions, the Career Services function, within Higher Education, gets less attention and is less integrated with other important academic and administrative functions. TSI helps Career Services improve its impact by defining and implementing strategies to improve operations, infrastructure, and fully integrate academic programs and administration of a college or university. We map market demand for internships and full-time employer engagement, while creating innovative and successful career services experiences that empower students and alumni to achieve their desired career, life and learning outcomes.
The career services departments within Higher Education are regarded as among the most important resources for students and their families and yet, remain undervalued with less visibility given the focus on outcomes and questions regarding the value of educational investment by families, students and state/federal budgets. Faced with increasing pressures to deliverable measurable results, challenged by decreasing or limited support, and increasing costs, career services and their accompanying departments must continually assess their operations to ensure efficiency, compliance, and fiscally responsible and manageable decision-making while making a strategic and compelling institutional decision for the lifelong career, learning and life trajectories of its students and alumni community.
Student recruitment and retention, as well as on-time graduation and placement rates, benefit when universities improve the effectiveness of Career Services by aligning academic programs, Career Services functions, with the dynamic talents and diversity of its student body and the demands of the external constituents.
What might this mean for your institution?
Transforming Solutions is dedicated to helping higher education career services departments fulfill their missions to meet institutional objectives and priorities. Deeply grounded in understanding the needs for effectively operating these departments, we focus on aligning each institution’s definition of success with actionable recommendations to achieve desired end results. Focusing on defining and improving organizational and operational effectiveness, enhancing the student and constituent experience, and supporting and managing change initiatives, Transforming Solutions’ customized approach will help your career services department optimize its people, processes, and technologies.
Constituent Experience: To best understand and ensure high-quality services and experiences are provided, TSI supports institutions in defining the student and constituent (e.g., the employer) experience. We lead efforts to assess and define the student and constituent experience to illuminate needs, expectations, experiences, and desired experiences. Once needs are identified, we design a plan to align desired experiences with organizational and operational goals and objectives. To achieve this alignment, TSI provides detailed, actionable recommendations that are interwoven with the desired end results and definition of success of the institution, well-grounded in current research and the community of best practices.
What we’re suggesting is that a rethinking and innovatively designed career services department co-created with all shareholders (students, faculty, staff, alumni, and employers) could be better than anything previously imagined – more extensive and higher quality, not just or even mostly cheaper or more efficient.
Career Services Development and Employer Relationship Generation: TSI supports institutions and their career services by providing comprehensive services focused on enhancing all components of the employer relations and engagement functions. We lead efforts to gain a deep understanding of the organization’s inward and outward-facing constituents and stakeholders, which will lead to the identification of new employer, stakeholder, and constituent opportunities. Once growth opportunities are identified, we design a plan to align the employer and organizational experience aligned with organizational and operational goals and objectives. To achieve this alignment, TSI provides detailed, actionable recommendations that are interwoven with the desired end results and definition of success of the institution.
Organizational Assessment: TSI has a deep understanding of the approach to improving organizational effectiveness as well as the nature of work that typically occurs in Career Services Departments. TSI spearheads the assessment of the organizational structure, staff roles and competencies, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and training needs to determine alignment with the institution’s vision, mission, and values. We often conduct benchmarking to determine appropriate staffing levels, best practices, programming, and structures and support organizational change through recommended action steps to increase effective management and adoption.
Operational Assessment, Process Improvement and Technology Strategy: TSI works closely with institutional leadership and/or designated project teams to evaluate existing model(s) of operations to determine potential opportunities for growth and improvement related to people, processes, and technology. TSI helps institutions define the current state of identified business processes, conduct an analysis of those processes, and lead the design of desired future state processes to assess process operations and efficiency. Through this analysis, TSI will identify pain points and waste within processes, opportunities for improvement, potential tangible and intangible benefits of improvements, metrics to assess operations and improvements, and actionable steps toward improvement strategies. The use of process improvement strategies will increase operational effectiveness by improving transparency, increasing responsiveness, and enhancing the quality of service to deliver on strategic plans and an institution’s mission, vision and culture.
Change Management: In our work, we hold people in very high regard and focus on the people side of change. Therefore, TSI weaves change management methodologies into all client work. We will drive organizational change management and communication efforts to articulate the vision and manage transformation. These practices help foster a culture of transparency, clarity, and effective communication while maintaining a pulse on challenges, bottlenecks, or disruption for those most critical to change initiatives’ success. Working closely with clients for a customized and personalized experience, TSI pulls from expansive experience to enrich the experiences of clients with pragmatic, cost-effective solutions for change.
The following are the most frequent service areas we employ to help our Career Services and other Clients: