Assess Your Program Management Effectiveness

Most organizations acknowledge their Project or Program Management capabilities are not where they should be. Improving in this area is a game changer.

What Are Your Project, Program Management or Service Deliver Challenges?

Many organizations feel they underperform in several key, mission critical areas: project and program management and the delivery of the most important services they are hired to deliver (service delivery). And there are many good reasons this is the case – ranging from a lack of training, misaligned organizational culture, too much work to do and the list goes on.

Do any of the items below look familiar when you think about your organization?

  • Too much demand for the resources IT has?
  • Ever changing priorities within the organization?
  • Undefined capacity to complete projects and/or ineffective governance of priorities?
  • Projects that are not as managed and results, not as measured as they should be?
  • Uncertain status – consistently having project teams do not consistently and accurately know where they stand from an effort, cost, or schedule standpoint?
  • Inconsistent results – team not delivering in a manner that allows your organization to realize the desired results of the effort?

Try TSI’s PM Effectiveness Self-Assessment

The PM Effectiveness Self-Assessment is a high-level questionnaire created to help you determine your project delivery capabilities. This tool is a great first step as part of a broader Project Management Effectiveness approach and helps to determine quickly and simply your organization’s need for change.  After that, reach out and we would be happy to have a conversation about incremental changes you can undertake to drive valuable change.

What is Program Management Review and How Will TSI help?

TSI can serve your organization by being an objective, experienced resource to lead an independent health check that validates you are on the right track, identify corrective measures, and ensure you have a roadmap for success. Periodically and proactively conducting this short activity will increase your probability for success.

For Projects, Programs and Other Initiatives

  • Lead an unbiased benchmark-based health check of one or more of your most important initiatives to ensure you are on track to deliver promised value, on time, and on budget.

For “Service Delivery” Capabilities

  • This scope of work includes reviewing your Project Management, Business Analysis, and other related delivery capabilities in support of key services.
  • We will review your people (e.g., roles and responsibilities), processes, culture, and tools. 
  • This deliverable includes both an assessment and a tailored roadmap for improvement for your teams’ skills that in turn give you better results.

Project or Program Management Organizations (PMO)

  • While many organizations have created a PMO, often times it has not had a chance to evolve to continually meet the needs of the organization. Studies show that many PMOs only last about 2 years.
  • TSI serves this area by providing a PMO health check to validate that the organization is aligned with the needs of those it serves. We assess its mission, scope, organization structure, staffing, processes, and tools to ensure that it is defined and running at its best to deliver value.
  • This scope of work frequently includes a PMO Visioning exercise (as a one-day working session) to collaboratively create a roadmap to drive future benefits. 

The Portfolio

  • Many organizations need an objective review of their Project Portfolio along with their intake processes, prioritization levers, decision criteria, and overall portfolio management governance to enable gaining better insights and control over a multitude of projects.
  • We assess these dimensions and create both a scorecard and recommended action plan to make tangible improvements.

How TSI is Different

As described above, TSI’s approach is pragmatic, yet grounded. We believe that project delivery and service delivery is more than the sum of the parts of PMI’s Body of Knowledge.  At TSI we drive for a holistic view of project health that addresses organizational change management, stakeholder readiness, process improvement, and even training when appropriate.  TSI leverages its long history of supporting organizations improvement by tailoring our proven practices, enabling standard scalable tools, and ensuring leaders are capable and supported in their delivery.