Expense Reduction and Profitability Improvement

To survive and thrive, a corporation or higher education institution needs to be streamlined, with a lean operating structure. Expenses and revenues need to be in alignment at a variety of levels. Let TSI be a catalyst to achieve this in your organization.

Why Is Profitability Improvement Important For An Organization?

Expense Reduction and Profitability Improvement – It is so easy for operating expenses, capital expenditures and revenue streams to get misaligned. In all types of organizations, extra staff is hired to address new initiatives, along with the acquisition of new facilities and technology that drive up operating expenses (OPEX). Profitability improvement is so important because we rarely spend the time to correlate revenue and OPEX and make hard decisions that is best for the organization overall.

Transforming Solutions helps growth-oriented corporations to analyze revenues and expenses in the context of the organization’s strategic plans. We look at the spend that exists in discretionary projects and IT, while benchmarking staffing levels to make recommendations to get costs in alignment with an operating structure that works for the company.

In higher education, paying attention to enrollment, along with other revenue streams (such as sponsored research), while managing the ever-increasing costs so that our adherence to budgets is maintained is more vital now than it ever has been. Particularly with decreasing state and federal funding, combined with pricing pressures from the various competitive forces within higher education, an institution needs to be agile and streamlined while having a lean operating structure. Transforming Solutions helps higher education institutions achieve their strategic goals while maintaining compliance and operational and process excellence, technology innovation, and organizational success. We help our clients define and improve their finance and administration processes, operations, and performance. 

Going through numbers for Profitability Improvement ideas.

Why Work With Us?

Transforming Solutions’ Expense Reduction and Profitability Improvement services leverage our proven process improvement methodology. This methodology creates tangible results for our clients. Our expertise in operations, complex organizational structures, and technology analysis helps our clients maximize profitability. Improving operating procedures and reducing waste without compromising service, quality, or speed facilitates this transformation.

In all of our projects, Transforming Solutions provides a customized approach to assess, evaluate, and analyze revenue and expense streams so that we can keep an organization running efficiently, effectively, and in a fiscally responsible manner.

What We Do

TSI’s expense reduction and profitability improvement services are rooted in a holistic approach to help you achieve your objectives. The inputs of the engagement with your organization center on:

The outputs from the process are more substantive and sustainable foundations for both short and long term improvement.

Transforming Solutions’ “Six Step Organizational Transformation” model is the foundation of our process. The success of this methodology hinges on a blend of process improvement exploration and fact-finding, detailed analysis of these facts, and implementation change management.

Past engagements have focused on the specific details that fall under each of the above areas:

Expense Reduction and Profitability Improvement infographic